Saturday, March 5, 2011

Brushing Teeth

 I can honestly say I've been questioning my parenting skills lately.
I think all parents do.

I can also admit that I believe age 3 is a LOT harder than age 2.
Terrble twos..were not that terrible looking back.
Unless my 3 year old is just NOW hitting terrible twos after she turned 3.

We have tantrums, stubborness, and strong willed moments.

There are certain things she wants Mommy to do ...
and certain things she wants Daddy to do.
Even if one or the other is not around!

I have been finding myself getting worn down.
Frustrated at myself.
Wondering how I have failed so much as a mom.

I pray over my kids everyday.
I pray that God helps me (and Philip) to guide them in His ways.

Philip and I read books seeking wisdom and good methods.
We read the Bible...seeking how God instructs us to teach them.

Even still I feel like I do not do well enough.

I am so in love with my kids.
I love them so much that I believe discipline is a MUST.
I believe that even now they can learn from choices they make.
Such as...throwing a tantrum leads to spending time alone in their room until they are
enjoyable to be around again.

I have been trying to focus on things that I feel we are succeeding at.
My girls LOVE to read their Bible everynight.
My girls LOVE to pray before meals.
My girls encourage each other and say thank you to one another.
My girls eat raw leafy spinach :)

One thing I find odd is that my girls love to brush their teeth.
They would brush for an hour if I let them.
And they really do brush!
I taught them in ONE night...and ever since then they
beg to brush their teeth!
Ha! nuts huh?

Notice how much smaller Natalie is than Brooklyn.
Natalie will be two in 4 weeks.
She still wears 12-18 month clothes.
Little munchkin weighed 10 lbs 10 ounces when born!

Love my CutesieSweetsies!!!!!!!!

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