Thursday, January 20, 2011

Opening Night! (Or Morning)

Welcome to my first official blog post on CutesieSweeties!

I actually started my post describing what I want my blog to be and what my life is like...then life happened!

I woke up about 2 hours earlier today than my usual 9 AM.
So I thought "hmm maybe I will start my blog Ive been wanting to start FOR YEARS" :)

I got up made some coffee...and fired up this crazy computer.
I already had the name picked out so it took no time to set it up.

I began to type out my way too serious post and noticed a little heartburn caused by my 27 week old baby boy who tumbles in my tummy...then out of no where.

I threw up.

Never nauseated, not a single tummy rumble. I just felt a little wierd for a second then ran to the bathroom. I barely made it.

After the whole 5 minutes of yuck - i decided to restart my blog post.
Then I took a two hour nap thanks to my super sweet husband who got the girls up and fed them pancakes!

So here I am feeling much better and ready to begin again.

Only this time...what you just read is what you will read for the day.:)

(By the way I never drank the coffee...made from a fresh bag of dunkin donuts coffee...super sad about that whole deal)

Welcome to my first official blog post on CutesieSweetsies!


  1. I can't believe you never drank the Dunkin' Donuts Coffee! What a waste! LOL
    I puked with my 2 girls the ENTIRE time I was pregnant with them, so don't take it wrong that I giggled a bit when you said your boy made you puke while writing a post. Whatever it was, he must not have liked it! hahaha!
    I love the cutesie sweeties name. You are so fru-fru! hehehe

  2. Love the blog! Writing is such good (and cheap!) therapy!

    I also have a blog - I'll send you the link.

    I had a similar heartburn experience Tuesday morning. I woke up in a tizzy around 2 am and tried to figure out what my problem was. As soon as I realized it was heartburn and that I was going to vomit it was nearly too late - but I made it! :)
