Sunday, July 17, 2011

Running woes

I am not a complainer.
I really do not have anything to complain about...I am extremely blessed.
Like I've noted before, this blog is also a journal for myself.
So, this post is basically for that purpose, but if its interesting to you, thats great too!

I have been doing the couch25K program the past few weeks.
It is GREAT. I really thought the first run would be hard. It was great!

However, I am currently at a stand still for a few different reasons. I am not happy about it because I am really set on doing the Tulsa Run (or some of it) in the fall.

I have had some major back and hip issues since having my babies. I also have a lot of headaches. So I decided to go to a chiropractor (he is the best ever by the way).
I go a few times a week, and it has helped tremendously!

During my first Chiro visit, he took some x-rays and found some abnormalities in my thyroid.
Ok I biggie.
Well it is becoming a more in depth issue than I thought or wanted.
My thyroid is enlarged, with multiple nodules on it.
I had blood tests, and an ultrasound on it. My Dr is referring me to an endocrinologist whom I will see this week.
Strangely enough, I have very strong symptoms of thyroid disease.
Basically the entire time, Ive beat myself up because I couldnt seem to get myself healthy enough.
I lose weight really fast during stressful times (giving birth etc.) and then all of a sudden my weight totally changes gears and I gain.
I have been running and eating well...yet I have gained 12 lbs in about 3 weeks. not normal.
I am also so very tired, irritable, and other symptoms that fall under hypothyroidism.

Not a big deal, but an enlarged thyroid with nodules makes it a little more difficult to treat with a pill.

I also hurt my knee when scrubbing the hard tile floor the other day.
note to self, at least kneel on a towel or something.
Ugh. it hurts bad.

So my running has come to a halt the past 3 days.
I dont feel great.
I am tired,
I feel so fat (sorry) because I cant fit into many clothes.

its not fun.

It could always be worse.
So I am thankful that my issues are fixable and treatable.

I am just ready to lace up my shoes and break in my new workout clothes.

Maybe this week...maybe...hopefully!

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