Once you learn...you learn.
I have learned a lot this year.
A lot about who I am...deep inside.
Ive learned who I thought I was...but really wasnt.
I learned not to sweat the small stuff.
I learned that losing my car keys...having to tow my car to the dealer to make a new key is really NOT a big deal. its funny.
Ive learned to love the FIXABLE.
Some things arent fixable.
My dearest friend is experiencing life...and her circumstance is not fixable.
Our house flooding from a broken pipe this past year...both girls rooms were flooded.
I did not blink an eye.
I learned that my girls can happily share a bedroom :)
Totally fixable.
I have learned that life can be boring...or it can be fun.
You can stress and worry and be so careful that you dont really "get it" or enjoy the fixable problems.
I cant even begin to count the dinners I have burned...and ended up eating cereal instead.
Boy...I get it.
When you experience something so life changing...perspective becomes very clear.
It has taken a year to see things clearer...and Im sure next year I can say the same.
My life.
Less focused on me.
Less focused on me.
More on how to love, show Gods love, and live...praying that God can use me in even the smallest of ways.
Philip and I celebrated 7 years of marriage this past May.
We have experienced the hardest of hard.
But...with God...we can do hard.
(My dearest friend who is in the middle of the hardest of hard taught me that)
He tells us in His Word that we can do ALL things through Him.
God helps us and CARRIES us through the hard.
I have learned what true commitment is.
I have learned what real love is.
I understand what it means to put yourself last.
I have also learned how to put myself in a place where I know I am precious to Jesus.
Marriage is really complicated..but its good.
Anyways on a lighter note :)
I love Kit Kats.
Philip bought me a bouquet (sp??) of kitkats.
and 13 roses.
We went to Rooster days...he bought me the cutest shirt ever.
(pic to come soon)
He spoiled me.
Not with gifts.
But with Gods love.
He prayed for me.
He told me I am the best friend that God knew he needed.
He told me I am his angel (which if you know me...you would laugh with me about that one ! )
Ive never had anyone show me love like he does.
I know he prays for me.
I know he loves me.
I know, most importantly, that he loves Jesus.
Every part of him is evident in that.
Im thankful. For 7 years.........and Kitkats :)
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