Monday, June 27, 2011

A Day in the life...

Most of you know I use this blog as a journal so that I can look back at events-big or small-in my life.

Here is a look into a day in my life.
I will post about a day when Philip is at work.
When he is off work our days are a little more random and less scheduled.

5:00-6:00 AM.
Nathan usually wakes up between this time to eat. He has slept until 7 or 7:30 but its not frequent. I am so tired at this point. I pick him up, change his diaper and head to the living room to nurse him while I sit in the recliner. Its more comfortable there and I can usually fall asleep while safely holding and nursing him.
(Philip gets up aroun 6-6:30 for work and heads to work by 7) Nathan usually falls asleep and if Im awake I lay him back down. Sometimes I just sleep holding favorite :)
6:30-7:30 AM
Natalie (2 yrs) is definately an early riser. Mostly since we put her in a big girl bed and she can get up by herself! She hunts me down. if im in the living room she lays on the floor next to the recliner. If Im in bed she climbs in and snuggles next to me and Philip if he hasnt gotten up yet.
7:30-8:00 AM
brooklyn (3 yrs) walks sleepily into our room and joins the crowd. My favorite is when we are all in our bed snuggled up. They usually fight over who gets to snuggle daddy.
If Philip is already gone...I usually shower before he leaves and before the girls get up. Then I lay back down if they are quiet...and if not...we head to the kitchen.
8:00 AM
usually everyone is up by now. Philip is working. Nathan is sleeping. I get the girls their morning juice and add the probiotic. (We dont miss a day!) I unload the dishwasher, make myself some coffee, and start the girls breakfast. They are usually coloring. They love to color!
9:00 AM-noon
Nathan is not on a certain nap schedule yet. I let him eat when he is hungry and sleep when he gets tired he seems to take a long morning nap. Which is nice because I can work on laundry, bathe the girls, fix their hair, color with them, or just snuggle with them. I usually nurse Nathan 1-2 times before noon. He usually falls back asleep.
I finish nursing Nathan and get the girls lunch ready. I usually pick out 2 kinds of fruit, a protein like yogurt, and water to drink. We dont eat a lot of grains...fruits and veggies are the biggest part of the girls diet. They love salad!
The girls play a bit and I clean the kitchen. I try to eat something as well. usually what the girls eat...I just eat it while I clean up the kitchen.
Its nap time for the girlies. Even if they dont sleep I want them to learn to have quiet time. So I give them books and tuck them in bed. They usually sleep till 4.
During the girls nap, I feed nathan, sometimes I will take a shower. I usually rock him in the recliner and he falls asleep on me for a couple of hours. My favorite part of the day!
I try to water the garden, check the mail and make the bed during this time as well.
The girls get up and I give them a snack. usually animal crackers. they are easy, the girls love them, but they dont eat a ton of them. They color or ask to watch a DVD (usually Christmas shows).
I feed nathan. Again :)
We eat dinner and Philip has been home for a little while. He gets off work at different times everyday.
7-8 PM
play time. I clean the kitchen and Philip plays with the kids. the girls climb all over him, tickle him and when its not too hot we play outside or go for walks.
nathan usually takes an evening nap...but not a long one.
8-9 PM
Depending on naps that day or if we went out for the evening (sometimes we go to the mall or other places around town) the girls stay up a little later. If they are cranky from lack of napping....we put them in bed as early as 7:30.
Philip loves this time of day. Nathan snuggles him and they have Daddy/Son TV time. Its pretty cute.
I nurse Nathan and I give Philip a bottle to finish feeding Nathan. Nathan goes to bed better when Philip feeds him a bottle...he tends to want to nurse a LONG time at night.
11 PM
Nathan is out and Philip and I head to bed...we are both tired from the day.
We know one day Nathan will go to bed around 8. So we wont stay up as late.

Its a pretty simple day...but never a dull moment. never. Every minute is busy for all of us!

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